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Our purpose is to help you come alive - so that you can create the life that you want, instead of reacting to the life that you have.

Our philosophy takes a unique perspective on competition - and with it - we shift to competing with the only person we’re truly in competition with - ourselves.

We are all self made, and when we give ourselves the courage to see that truth, we give ourselves the permission to take back control of our lives and live from the inside out, instead of the outside in - and that has the power to change everything for the better.

After all, we only get one life - why not live it to the fullest?

Me Versus Me + selfmayd.




Change your story, change your life.

A journey of becoming…


Private Coaching.

Get Coaching. Get Results.

A hands on, customized approach to unlocking your greatness.

The MVM School of Self Mastery.jpg

Coming Soon…

“Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering yourself is true power.”

-Lao Tzu

We are all self made, but only the successful will admit it.
— Earl Nightingale



We believe that life was meant to be lived.

We all deserve to live - not  settle.

That is why Me Versus Me was founded. It’s hard to stand out and do your own thing in a culture that tells you to play it safe and just be happy & content with what you have - and those of us who do know that there’s more to life deserve every advantage we can get our hands on - because we’re right. We learned this the hard way. We failed more than we had to, we cried, we felt weak, had sleepless nights, fought, felt alone, anxious, and so much more - but we stayed the course and once we got everything to click, we took off.

We’re grateful, but it took more out of us than it needed to because, as South Asian Originals, there was no place for us to turn to for support and growth…there was no tribe for people like us to lean on and use to fuel our own ambitions. That’s why we vowed to find the ones that were on the same journey as us - in the pursuit of creating a life with love, passion, and purpose - and provide them with exactly what we wished we had.

Because it’s not easy, it’s not ‘normal’, it IS a process - anytime you step out of the ‘line’ and go against the grain, you’re met with a wave of resistance from all directions - and in those times is exactly when doubt creeps back in and tries to tell us to “quit on our dreams and get back in line with everybody else”. But that’s not who we are.

We do deserve to live life on our own terms - happy, free, and fulfilled, with passion, aliveness, love, and more - and regardless of how tough it may seem, it’s possible, and we got your back.

The world needs you to come alive.


